Please find answers to our most frequently asked questions about our reports below.

What is a human design report?

Discover the depths of your unique human design with our comprehensive reports. Delve into over 16 pages of essential information with our basic report, or go even further with our detailed report spanning over 38 pages. Uncover the intricacies of your bodygraph chart, an exclusive blueprint that reveals the essence of who you are and what drives your actions.

Your Human Design report is a profound exploration of your individuality, unraveling your innate leadership abilities, decision-making processes, relationship dynamics, and more. Unleash your true potential by understanding and harnessing your strengths, while conquering any challenges that come your way.

Think of your Human Design report as a manual, guiding you towards operating at your absolute best. Turn to it in moments of resistance or adversity, allowing its wisdom to empower and support you. Our intention is to present your design in a way that is both accessible and actionable, ensuring that this resource will continue to serve you throughout your spiritual journey.

Is the human design report sent digitally?

Absolutely! Once your Human Design report is complete, it will be sent as a PDF, accessible across all devices and thoughtfully crafted for effortless printing, if you want to print it off.

How is my human design report sent to me?

Your personalised Human Design Report is sent via email as a PDF document. This is sent within 48 hours of placing your order.

Is my human design personalised to me?

100%! There are no two reports that are the same. Each report is unique to you based on your Date of Birth, Time of Birth and Location.

Who are the reports for?

The purpose of our Human Design Reports is to bridge the gap between human design and everyday life, providing you with practical insights that are both empowering and easy to grasp. Whether you're new to human design or not, this guide will be readily accessible and comprehensible to you and will change the way to you see yourself entirely.

Can I buy a human design report as a gift?

Absolutely! Our human design guides are extraordinary gifts for everyone - friends, family, colleagues, and beyond.

Get in touch

Have questions about our reports, or a general enquiry?